Wednesday 18 January 2012

Silly Silly Keith

So today as most winter routes seem to have disappeared we were keen to head up to the cave at Newtyle Quarry and attempt Fast and Furious D10 (probably a little hard for our weak selves).

Alarms were to be set for 9, leave by 10, arrive by 11am. lots of time for cranking, however, SOMEONE failed to get out of their bed until 9.45am... leading to lots of faff and 'heated' discussions.

Finally we park up at Birnam, psyched for some training. I get my boots on, and hear "shit guess what we forgot!" .... there is no we in this forgetting matter.

It turns out Keith has packed a rope bag, with no rope! No climbing for us, and back to Edinburgh it was, via a wee stroll at the Hermitage (not what I had in mind for today). What a nightmare.

At least he reimbursed me for the full cost of the petrol and bought me a bar of chocolate. Will be 10 days until we have a day off together now, not impressed in the slightest. Keith will be reminded of this day for years to come....and I will most definately be packing all gear (both his and mine) myself from now on!


At 18 January 2012 at 22:18 , Blogger elliefisk said...

oh Keith! why did you have to go and forget the ropes?? can't wait for the next installment of janey and Keith! I'm hooked already... xx ellie

At 21 January 2012 at 18:44 , Blogger Matt Mclauchlan said...

I know exactly how he would have said "guess what we forgot" it's almost as infuriating as the forgetting of equipment itself.


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