Sunday 20 January 2013

Biking, Biking... and more Biking

Over the past 6 months we appear to have been rather lazy with the blog. This is mainly because I've been putting a lot of time into uni work since September for final exams I had in December, which went really well and now I only need 4 D grades in the May exams to finish with a first class degree :) Graduating in June so I'm psyched to be finished and able to spend much more time in the hills!

The other contributing factor is that since upgrading our mountain bikes at the end of summer, Keith and I have become biking obsessed. So thats literally all that we've spent our time doing every day we've had off from uni and work for the past 4 months. Lots of bruises, cuts and scrapes have been had, including Keith launching himself and the bike over a 1metre high fence and landing on his head. Its all part of the fun, bring on the steeper faster descents!

I also spent the Christmas holidays in Malaysia visiting my Dad who has recently moved out there for his retirement. It was a nice way to relax after exams, chill by the pool and get a bit of a tan :)

We are now looking forward to getting out into the mountains over the next couple of months, getting more munros ticked, climbs sent, and improving our ski-touring skills.

Riding with friends at Ae Forest, Dumfries


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