Monday 15 April 2013

Another Short Biking Video

Here's another short biking video from last night. Loving these light summer evenings!

carberry 14.4.13 from GetOutAdventures on Vimeo.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evening Ride at Carberry

Awesome evening blast at Carberry tonight with friends. Manned up and sent the Gibson Gap (named after Gibby who launched himself into the ditch a while back!)  Good times.

Heres a short video:

Riding at Carberry, 8.4.13 from GetOutAdventures on Vimeo.

Sunday 7 April 2013


As their Xmas present, we promised Dad and Lorraine a day in the hill with us. We planned for April, expecting summery conditions as it would only be Lorraine's second proper hill day. However, the awesome long lived winter meant that we chose Schiehallion.

Theres still quite a bit of snow up there. It was thawing throughout the day, and crampons weren't required. Quite appalling the number of people up there completely unprepared for the hill but I guess thats what happens when things are easily accessible.

It was a lovely day, perfect weather, and I think they both enjoyed themselves. Keith and I had a wee play sledging on a survival bag as well haha.

Janey, Dad, Keith on the way up

Looking over towards the summit

Keith and I looking over towards the Lawer's range
Keith with his Dad and Lorraine just before the summit
Lawer's area looking awesome for ski touring

Friday 5 April 2013

Biking in Stirling

With the borders still being full of snow, yesterday Keith, Fraser and I spent the day seeing what Stirling had to offer in the way of biking.

We headed up Dumyat Hill first, which offers great views over to Ben Vorlich and Stuc a Chroin in the good weather (which we had), and has a pretty cool XC style descent with a few rocky drops etc.

We then went to check out the freeride trail at Cambusbarron. It was awesome fun, although I was too scared to try the bigger gaps over the bridleway, maybe next time!

Here is a very rushed edit of the few videos we took:

Biking in Stirling from GetOutAdventures on Vimeo.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Piste Skiing!

Over the past few weeks we haven't been up to much, but have spent a number of days piste skiing. Conditions have been awesome, although visibility not so great on a couple of occasions.

Keith sending a park jump at Glencoe Mountain
I have had to dedicate most of my time to finishing writing my dissertation, which has now been submitted! Sadly I came down with the flu straight after handing it in, so we haven't been able to get out and enjoy the amazing climbing conditions over the past week.

Just 3 more exams to go until I finally finish my degree at the end of April :)
