Wednesday 16 October 2013

Mountain Biking Skills Weekend

Over the weekend Keith and I ran a mountain biking skills weekend at Glentress for a group of 11 kids from the Ratho Scout troop. It was awesome!

All of the kids progressed heaps over the weekend. All 6 in my group are now able to manual, rear wheel lift and get some air on the table tops! 4 of them really stood out as having loads of potential and I'm hoping they will get into mountain biking properly now after me trying to convince their parents! Managing to get 1ft+ in height on the jumps on what was their first weekend biking for some of them is some really impressive stuff!

AIRTIME! Woohoo! He got even higher than this later on in the day!

My group also mastered some cornering techniques, played around on the log skinnies and learnt how to tackle tree roots on their final descent of the weekend, which we had to step up to a red run as they were cruising the blues with ease!

Jack showing us his newly found cornering skills!
Oh and I musn't forget to mention two of them sending the black graded rock chute in the Skills park only a few hours in on day one...AND 4 of them clearing the black graded drop off! They all managed to send the red rock chute, and red drop off in the skills park too.

...and this is how to manual.

Keith's group also had a go on some log skinnies and spent lots of time whizzing down the blue graded trails, with 'Berm Baby Berm' being their favourite!

They all learnt about bike safety checks, the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and general trail ettiquette too, as well as consuming several packets of jelly babies, nom nom!

Amazing weekend with a lovely group of kids!


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