Wednesday 21 August 2013

Mountain Bike Leader Training

Over the weekend we were on our mountain bike leader (MBL) training course down in the Tweed Valley. This is the highest level and the most widely recognised qualification for biking. We picked up lots of awesome tips on coaching and leadership styles from Andy  (Ridelines (Mountain Bike Tuition) Ltd) and Al (Wheelie Cool Mountain Biking).

Saturday was mostly classroom based with some skills coaching sessions and Sunday was a full day ride.

I spent most of our ride out day dying to reach the descent and hit the natural techy trails as Keith and I haven't had a chance to ride much recently due to our upcoming ML assessment.

In the process of booking our MBL assessment now so will hopefully be fully qualified in a month or so :)

A Rainy Day in the Ochils and Pentlands Night Nav

We went for a walk in the Ochils on Thursday, up Ben Cleuch etc. Heavy rain from start to finish!

We've also spent a couple of nights in the Pentlands brushing up on our night nav in preparation for our ML assessment.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Carn Gorm to Creag Mhor (Meall na Aighean), Glen Lyon

We headed up to Glen Lyon yesterday to do the four munros accessed from Invervar. We're starting to run out of new hills to do close to home, and this was one of the biggest days left to do.

It began to shower as we parked up, and not long into our initial ascent of Carn Gorm, the heavens opened and the waterproofs were on! However, the rain did clear up in the afternoon giving us a nice day out.

We found and collected loads of blaeberries, and even saw some cloudberries (normally we only come across the leaves), but sadly they weren't ripe so we are yet to taste them!

Approaching the summit of Meall Garbh
Carn Gorm from the descent of Creag Mhor (Meall na Aighean)

Wild Camping, Ben Macdui

Keith and I spent Tuesday and Wednesday this week in the Northern Cairngorms preparing for our ML assessment.

Coire an t'Sneachda

Tuesday was a lovely day, beaming sunshine with great views. We spent the day practicing our micro-navigation on the plateau, and then set up camp near Ben Macdui. Not long after the tent was pitched, the rain started! Good timing.

Our Campsite

We cooked dinner (risotto and sausage), had a short nap, and then headed out into the rain for some night nav practice.

On Wednesday morning we woke up to the sound of the rain lashing down on the tent! We hid inside until 11am when it started to ease off, and then spent the remainder of the day practicing more micro-nav before heading home.

Friday 2 August 2013

Biking the Lochnagar Five

On Tuesday we headed up to Glen Muick to do the five Munros around Lochnagar. We did the route in a clockwise direction, reaching the summit of Broad Cairn first, and Lochnagar last.

You begin by cycling along the land rover track from the Glen Muick car park, then reach a bridge to cross a burn which marks the start of the push up. The gentle track becomes a steep climb zigzaging the hill for about 150-200m of height gain. It doesn't take long though and soon you are on the plateau and back in the saddle. From here you can ride right up until the last 200m of height gain up to Broad Cairn, where a section of boulder field must be crossed and a hike-a-bike is required. From the car park to summit of the first munro took us about 3.5 hours including a couple of breaks for food.

View of Loch Muick from Broad Cairn

Riding up towards Broad Cairn, Lochnagar behind
 Theres quite a fun rock slab to have a play about on leading off from the highest point of the hill for about 10 metres or so.

A short descent, plateau bash and climb leads you to the summit of Cairn Bannoch after about 20 minutes. Its another 20 minutes or so from here to the path contouring around Munro number three, Carn an t-Sagairt Mor, where a further fairly steep push/carry takes you to the summit (5 hours from car park to here).
Cairn Bannoch Summit

Terrain between Cairn Bannoch and Carn an t-Sagairt Mor
 We just descended back down the way we went up to reach the path marked on the map, and traversed over to the climb up Carn a' Choire Bhoidheach.

 The climb up Carn a' Choire Bhoidheach is quite long, about 1km or so, and about 150m of height gain. We had to carry the bikes for some of it, and some of it was rideable. It would probably be fully rideable for those feeling fit! It took us around an hour to get between these two summits.

 Its quite simple to reach Lochnagar from here, a long ride along a flat plateau, followed by a small amount of pushing and plateau riding! We reached the summit of Lochnagar 7.5 hours after setting off.

The crags at Lochnagar

Final summit of the day
And now to the important bit - the big descent! Sadly I think it is over-rated. It may be one of the longest descents around (in Scotland anyway) but certainly not full of quality :( I'm sure many will disagree however. The drainage ditches - lots of them you can Bunny hop, but we had several offs for the ones that were rather massive, at a bad angle or were immediately before or after a step up. Once past the massive drainage ditch path, and down to the steepest part of the descent, a lot of it is unrideable. Not necessarily because its too technically challenging, but purely because our bottom brackets would smash into rocks, pedals get caught, or mech get ripped off!

It was still an awesome day out though despite the numerous rain showers and the torrential down pour, thunder and lightning we experienced on route back to the car park! Our shoes etc are still drying out now, 3 days later! 

Thursday 1 August 2013

Tweed Valley Biking

Over the past two weeks we've been down in the borders with the bikes quite a lot. Its now a mud fest again with all the rain we've been having. We had forgotten how to ride in mud as its been so dry for so long, so we found ourselves being thrown off the bike numerous times! Good fun though :D