Thursday 22 March 2012

Bouldering in the County

Best weather of the year so far, so I skived uni and me and Keith headed down to Rothley, Northumberland (in our new car) for some summery bouldering on the rough grit.

We LOVE the new car. Putting the 2 boulder pads in the boot this morning after 5 years of having to put a back seat down in my old peugeot was the best feeling ever! Lots of money well spent. Could have fitted at least another 3 in there before even having to move the seats :D Keith having never ventured outdoors for bouldering before meeting me wasn't as excited, but hey ho, he's a weird bumbley trad climber.

ohh yeaaah. 
So anyways, Rothley is a weird crag. The grit is super sharp, unlike when we were down in the peak last year, but I guess we did just climb classics that were probably rather polished. We hardly had any skin left after warming up. Most of the problems we did consisted of not much but slopers, which was good as I'm crap on slopers and I suppose it needs worked on.

We stopped for lunch after the first 3 climbs (obviously as we're lazy bumbleys) and ended up lying in the sun for a good half hour :) I have tan lines, but sadly Keith is still albino.

Everything we climbed we flashed, didnt really work anything, skin wouldnt have been able to take it anyway. Did 5-6 font 6b's, a few 6a's and a 7a that felt pretty soft for the grade. The guidebook didn't mention a sit start so we initially jumped on and it felt like a 6a at a push. The sit start is definately what makes it more like the grade, but is a one move wonder - just my style at the moment as I have no endurance what so ever.

Here are some photos :)

Pocket's Wall font 6a

Keith on the mantely top out of Pocket's Wall

Cranking hard on Reclaimed font 7a, going for the jug

Hanging Arete font 6a

Hanging Arete, font 6a

Awkwardness on the low level traverse, Locomotive Breath, font 6b

Keith about to finish up on Locomotive Breath

Pretty tower ruins

Sloper Traverse, font 6b

Janey and Keith


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