Saturday 23 February 2013

Stob Ban North Ridge and Mullach nan Coirean

Yesterday, with an awesome looking forecast we decided to opt for a ridge walk and enjoy the views/weather rather than be restricted to a crag face, probably queuing behind several others just to climb a route. This also allowed us to have a few hours extra in bed!

We headed up Stob Ban (via its North Ridge - grade I) followed by its neighbouring munro Mullach nan Coirean. The graded 'climbing' only really lasted for about 50 metres or so and was more like alpine scrambling in todays conditions. The snow line is up at about 700metres now and is rock solid neve/ice, so crampons were required even on quite gentle slopes.

Lunch Spot, with a view of the Ben behind.
setting off along the ridge

approaching the summit of Stob Ban
Keith at Stob Ban's summit

Keith looking out to Mullach nan Coirean
North Ridge

Keith with Stob Ban in the background

Summit of Mullach nan Coirean
Timed perfectly for the sun starting to set!

Amazing day in the hill! Now its time for pancakes and to head down to the borders for a day on the bikes, then maybe back out in the hills again on Sunday :) 

Janey and Keith


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