Wednesday 29 May 2013

POC King of the Hill 2013, Tweedlove Enduro race.

Races on bicycles?! Whatever next.

The culmination of several months of anticipation has finally passed. The POC King Of The Hill event at Tweedlove 2013.

It's what we (Janey, Myself and Robin) have been training (read: going for bike rides every other week and having fun) for since bike season really kicked off this year once the majority of our extended ice age retreated.

The course was 38Km long over two forested hills and the valley between, with roughly 1310 of vertical ascent (read: suffering, we don't like ups) but luckily that also meant we had that much down - which we love!-. The course was split into transition stages that were untimed but energy sapping flat and uphill and 5 timed downhill segments which included the odd up and along. All of this was to be completed within a 5 hour window so personal control and pace management came into it a lot in order to stay reasonably fresh for the downs after the ups!

Stage 1 was your stereotypical Glentress Blue, albeit timed and a pedal fest, Starting at Berm Baby Berm and terminating at the Electric Blue fire road.

Then came the big climb up the fireroads to the Spooky Wood ascent and along the track toward the pylon where the black graded (although not that difficult) Boundary Trail stage started which felt loooong with all three of the magic riding styles - flat, up and down - which then luckily ended at a feed station, Yey! Orange quarters, Water and cake to give you a kick along the fireroad trail again and up the Spooky Wood ascent (again) to the top of Hochimin.

Hochimin, The third and final stage of the Glentress chapter of the story. First it hit you with an energy sapping bogfest for a hundred metres or so then some flowing downhill on nice semi natural albeit rutted trails to then fire off into the sort of ground we excel at - Natural, Tight, Tree dodging down - I managed to make a lot of time back here and managed to overtake a rider (whom didn't want to let me past, what a bad sport) then onto the fireroad, a quick pedal blast along that then dropped back onto a firebreak then back to another fireroad for a quick blast along to the start of Zoom or Bust. From here I was hot on the heels of another rider who was teasing me with his slow style on the technical where I would almost get past then fast on the pedally bits where I would ease off due to being rubbish at it. But then I got past him, Hurrah, as he didn't have enough left in his tank to make the pedal up the fireroad trail heading for the Fort. Along the trail I managed to overtake 3 who were pushing(!) up and another 3 who were just cruising down the track as I pedalled my little heart out chasing a rider- lets call him Mr blue due to his tight blue shirt - in the distance. I did a lovely turn into the top of the Fort and just stamped my pedals down as I chased my prey in the distance like a hungry hunter. Midway down the Fort the option arose to go left (steeper and tighter turns) or right (tiny bit longer but faster straight) so off I went left. Root City turn off in sight and Mr Blue just about to turn in I stamp again for the kill. And luckily he wipes out when he messed his turn up. This slows me down a bit to avoid his crumpled mass but at least I get past! Then came the short rooty technical fast dash to the hydro road... Dib out, end of section three, Job done.

Next the pedal through Peebles to Cademuir. (Via a stop off at the wagon for hydration refills and snack stuffing).

The road up to Cademuir was dull energy sapping tarmac. But needs must and the trails weren't waiting with time ticking. Foolishly we opted to ride the fireroad instead of the push up that we usually use when there (We thought hey, If both options are allowed surely the road must be fine too just a gentle cycle) oh how wrong we were. Gentle it was, Short it was not. Foolish mistake!! Once we got to the top of the hill it was time for even the dropper post housings to be dropped in the interest of speed and safety, we knew from the practice day before that this trail would have us in our element. Steep, rooty, Loamy, Tight turns, Tree dodging goodness and speed all thrown in. A big up to the Trail Perfections crew and Co who sculpted this beast for the comp. A quick drink, some energy chews and more water to wash them down it was game on. A nice steep trail that allowed for lots of time to be made up from the poor performance we had on the pedally ones over on GT. After the initial steepness and some switchbacks along loamy high angled slope dodging trees you were down to the fireroad then into a firebreak for a hundred metres and through the woods to then drop in steeply to the fireroad that we had initially pedalled up to blast down and overtake another poor soul as you beasted it for yet another tight right hander only for me to be greeted with the sights of a punter stopped (!!) on the trail (presumably asking the marshal "Just how steep is this? I think I've filled my pants") he tries to set off as he holds me up only to start stumbling as I politely inform him I'm coming past and off I go. Rocketing down the next section of awesome steeps. Where I believe I went past some folk wanting to catch the carnage (Hopefully they had cameras, I'd love to see photos of me in the 'zone') cheer me on as I ripped it up (I may sound like a pro here but I assure you I am not. ) Then before I knew it again I was met by a moveable obstacle on the trail... Another slow rider sadly out of his depth but giving it all he had regardless, good on him. He held me up for a bit then jumped off and pushed down a corner (!) and hopped off the track to allow me to pass - What a gent, I applaud you in doing the right thing. I also feel bad for some as they might not have been expecting such steep but they also frustrate me as they delayed my times!- then down onto the trail break and along to the feed station where I gorged on banana and Haribo then filled myself with the best kind of Red Bull, Free Red bull :)

Once the others arrived we set off to the summit again for the final stage and were met halfway with a disgustingly steep push up that made the legs and lungs scream. There was a motivational sign that I took no real notice of but I think made me laugh at the time. Again at the top we had a quick rest and fluid intake then set off for the rapid final stage where yet again we were all held up by folk on the trails. Perhaps 30 second intervals are not appropriate at venues like this but then again it would be impossible to complete in the timeframe if we all had to wait. A tricky predicament for the organisers but one I'm sure they will get round for next year. Or perhaps next year we'll just opt to head round in the first group (with the pros) and hold them up for a change!

I almost ran over another rider who wiped out in front of me whilst chasing him (he wouldn't let me past, some say its karma) and almost wiped his head out with my cranks as he scrambled for the side of the trail after he hit the ground (Lesson learnt there would be If being chased and you crash, Curl up in a ball to avoid being run over).

After this section came the blast back along the road to the finish line.

Results once finalised placed me in 37th and Robin in 50th in our category and Janey 4th in her category being less than a minute off a podium position!

What a day, Great fun and great company. Cringey I know but it needs said!

Action shot photos from: James Poots and Janeys post bog crash mud photo courtesy of me :)

Sunday 12 May 2013

End of Uni, Time to Ride!

So I have finally finished uni. The month of April consisted of 12-13 hour days in preparation for final exams, and I'm still recovering from the lack of sleep/stress!

May is chilling out time for me, and time to train for the Tweedlove King of the Hill Enduro race that Keith, Robin and I have entered. Its our first mountain bike race so just a bit of fun. Don't feel very fit at the moment as dissertation hand in and exams have taken up all of my time recently!

We've been down in the borders quite a lot, evening rides and a few of Keith's days off work. My friend Craig (from Derby) has been up in Edinburgh for the past week, and has recently bought himself a hardtail to get into mountain biking. So its been awesome fun taking him out and introducing him to the trails! Yesterday was wet and muddy and was his first time heading down the Glentress red, so rather challenging on the slidy tree routes! Good day was had by all (Debbie and Robin joined us too).

Other news is that I broke my mech at Innerleithen on tuesday, so that was an expensive ride as the mech and hanger needed to be replaced. Back up and running again now though!

Won't be heading back out into the mountains until the start of June where I'm assisting on the gold Duke of Edinburgh award for George Heriot's School once again, and then after that the climbing and hill walking season will kick off for Keith and I. We have some big mountain days planned with the bikes too which should be awesome.

Craig happy (ish) and tired at the top of Pennels Fennel, GT.