Thursday 27 June 2013

Stuc an Lochain with Lilly

On Tuesday we took our westie, Lilly up Stuc an Lochain in Glen Lyon. This hill is rather easy for munro standards, as you park the car at 400m.

Last year we took her up Meall Bhuide, another munro on the other side of the road which she loved. Stuc an Lochain was a bit harder going for her though - a much steeper rockier ascent. We had to lift her over a few big rocky steps that were double her height, but other than that she did awesome and her mini legs took her all the way to the summit :)

The summit of Stuc an Lochain
Lilly on the summit cairn :)

mmmm shortbread!
Lil slept the whole way home and was rewarded with a nice big chunk of raw sirlion steak. nom nom :D


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